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On Australia Day, Australians celebrate all the things about the county. For example, its land, sense of decency, lifestyle, democracy, and freedoms. But particularly it is all about celebrating Australia’s people.

Australia Day is about acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that every Australian makes to the contemporary and dynamic nation. This includes all people, from Aboriginal people to those who have lived in Australia for generations. And also to those who have come from all corners of the globe to call our Australia their home.

The marking of 26th January is an important date in Australia’s history and has changed over time. It started as a celebration for emancipated convicts. Then it evolved into what is now a celebration of Australia that reflects the nation’s diverse people.

Australia Day continues to be hugely popular, with 3 in 4 Australians believing it has a bigger meaning beyond being just a day off.

More than half of all Australians participate in Australia Day. This participation includes a variety of celebrations. For example people attend events organised by State Governments, local councils and community groups. In other instances it means simply or getting together with family and friends.  In addition, over 16,000 new Australians become citizens on Australia Day.

Some interesting statistics…

13 million

(over half the country) participate in specific Australia Day celebrations each year.


of Australians believe the day should be a time to recognise and celebrate the country’s cultural diversity.


give thought to how lucky they are to live in Australia.


celebrate the freedom they have living in Australia



Are you interested in bearers of your surname travelling to the new world? You might also like our coat of arms and surname history print. Plus, we have lots of useful blog articles about migration to the new world, with links for those tracing family heritage.

How will you be celebrating Australia day? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!


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