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  • Coat of arms beer glass

Coat of Arms Beer Glass

4.50 out of 5


A stunning beer glass, with a coat of arms is engraved prominently. A truly personalised gift, and great value too!


This stunning beer glass features a prominently-engraved coat of arms. It is certainly a gift that will be enjoyed by the recipient. It’s a really thoughtful gift that is not only attractive, but practical and great value too. It is a straight-sided, traditional sleeve-style beer glass. In terms of capacity, it holds 0.58 litres / 1 pint. The engraving of the beer glass itself is surprisingly detailed. The same applies even if the coat of arms contains complex elements and symbolism. (To find out more about what the heraldry symbols mean, see our free online dictionary of imagery here.)


To find out if we have your desired coat of arms, simply type your chosen name into our search box at the top of this page.  You will find out instantly if we have the coat of arms for you. We have more than a million surnames and associated coats of arms on our database. This means that we are usually able to help! When you purchase the beer glass, it will also feature the surname itself in a scroll below the heraldry. Plus, at the top of the coat of arms, we will feature any associated motto. To find out more about heraldry, have a look through our blog articles here.


Extra engraving for your beer glass


As well as the engraved coat of arms on the beer glass, you also have the option of adding your own wording. You might like to include a special date or message. In this way, you will create a truly personalised gift. If you are stuck for inspiration, you can click here to read our blog about inspirational engraving ideas for your beer glass.



This really is a great gift for a special occasion, and is excellent value for money too.


  • Engraved coat of arms features prominently
  • Optional extra engraving
  • Great value gift
  • Holds one pint



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