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  • Crystal block with 3D coat of arms
  • Coat of arms crystal block

3D Crystal block

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See your chosen coat of arms ‘come to life’ with this three dimensional crystal block. The perfect display piece for any home.


This three dimensional crystal block is a great centrepiece for any home. We engrave the inside the crystal block itself, as if by magic! It is therefore one of our most unique gifts. The heraldry is carefully replicated in the middle of the block. This is called ‘sub surface engraving’ and it uses laser technology to create tiny bubbles inside the glass. When combined, these recreate your chosen image giving 3D appearance, rather than simply being engraved on the surface.


In addition, it is possible to engrave extra wording, to create a spectacular gift to treasure. The 3D crystal block is actually made from optical crystal, which is lead-free and reflects the light beautifully. It has a flawless, smooth finish which means that it looks stylish on any mantle piece or shelf. Plus, it has an attractive domed top, and makes a great alternative to our traditional glass plaques with wood stand or pin stand. At 12cm x 6cm x 6cm, the 3D crystal block will not dominate a room, but rather be a subtle and stylish addition. Quality craftsmanship combines with traditional design to create a unique piece of crystal artwork.


It is so simple to find out if we have the coat of arms of your choice. All you need to do is type in the surname into the box at the top of this page. Provided that we have the name on our database, we will have its earliest associated coat of arms. You will read a description of the heraldry, to give you an idea of the imagery. It is also possible to find out more about the symbolism, click here.


  • Sub -surface 3D engraving
  • The coat of arms floats as if by magic!
  • An amazing gift for the home

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