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Looking for the perfect gift for yourself or a friend? Look no further than our personalised hoodies with coats of arms. With more than a million names available, we offer the chance to wear your family name’s history with pride. Or alternatively, gift this unique piece to a special someone.




Each hoodie features a coat of arms, displayed in a small monogram style or as a larger print. The coats of arms are based on the earliest known designs for each surname. This not only makes the hoodies visually striking but also steeped in history.





coat of arms on hoodie

Each hoodie displays the coat of arms, family crest and motto if there is one.

Quality and Comfort


But these hoodies are not just about looks. They also offer top-notch quality and comfort. The soft feel and drop shoulder styling make them comfortable to wear, while the classic fit ensures they look good on everyone. Plus, the double-lined hood with a draw cord provides extra warmth and cosiness.


Practical Features


Practicality is another key aspect of our hoodies. From the ribbed cuffs and hem that keep the chill out to the useful pocket where you can store your essentials, every detail is carefully thought out.




Available in a variety of sizes.

Great Gift Idea


Hoodies are an excellent gift idea for many reasons. They are comfortable, versatile, and can be worn in a variety of settings. Hoodies are also a great way to express personality and style, showing the heraldry relating to the name. One of the best things about hoodies is their comfort level. Made from soft materials our hoodies are perfect for lounging around the house or running errands on a chilly day. They are also great for outdoor activities such as hiking or camping, as they provide warmth and protection from the elements.

The coat of arms on the front of the hoodie



The coat of arms featured on the front of the hoodie is a symbol of great significance and history. It consists of various important elements which you can learn all about in our heraldry dictionary, or one of our blog posts here. The coat of arms has evolved over time, with different monarchs adding their own personal touches to it. Queen Victoria added the motto “Victoria” to the shield, while King George VI added a representation of the Order of the Garter around the shield. Our database has more than a million names and the associated coats of arms are a way to show pride in a name’s heritage and history.





The coat of arms can be reproduced large or small.




Hoodies are also very versatile. They can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. For a casual look, pair a hoodie with jeans and trainers. For a more polished look, wear a hoodie with chinos and boots. They can also be layered with jackets or coats for added warmth during colder months. They are also available in many sizes to fit any body type or preference. Overall, a coat of arms hoodie is a great gift for anyone who values comfort, versatility, and style. Plus they’ll be celebrating the family name, wearing it with pride.

With their unique blend of style, comfort, and history, our hoodies make a great gift idea. Whether you’re treating yourself or surprising a friend, they’re sure to be appreciated.


So why wait? Order your personalised hoodie with a coat of arms today and embrace a unique blend of style and history.


Also available in our clothing range, a t-shirt and cap.




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