Find the meaning of your surname:
Wedding gift ideas

Wedding gift ideas

Wedding gift ideas   Choosing the perfect wedding gift can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to decide on a gift that the newlyweds will truly appreciate and cherish. In...
Finding the meaning of your surname

Finding the meaning of your surname

Finding the meaning of your surname   Learning about the meaning and origins of your surname can be an exciting journey of discovery into your family history. Here are some steps you can take to find out all about the meaning of your surname. We hope you enjoy...
Personalised family crest gifts

Personalised family crest gifts

Personalised family crest gifts   Family crests can be incorporated into a wide variety of products and make great gifts for a variety of reasons. People often use the terms ‘family crest’ and ‘coat of arms’ interchangeably when in fact...
Do Companies Have Crests?

Do Companies Have Crests?

Do Companies have Crests?   Have you ever noticed that there are lots of companies that appear to use either crests or coats of arms? If you look carefully, you’ll notice that lots of them do! Businesses may use crests for a variety of reasons. Here are...
Does everyone have a family crest?

Does everyone have a family crest?

Does everyone have a family crest?   It’s a question we are often asked and the simple answer is no, not everyone does. A family crest is a unique symbol or design that is traditionally used to represent a particular family or individual. These were...
The difference between a coat of arms and family crest.

The difference between a coat of arms and family crest.

Have you ever wondered about the difference between a coat of arms and family crest? Heraldry is in essence about showing people who you are and this blog will hopefully help to answer your question!   Aren’t coats of arms and family crests the same thing?...

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