Find the meaning of your surname:

Finding the meaning of your surname


Learning about the meaning and origins of your surname can be an exciting journey of discovery into your family history. Here are some steps you can take to find out all about the meaning of your surname. We hope you enjoy learning all about your history and please do share with us any of your exciting finds!


Where to start


A good place to start is with a basic internet search. For example, a simple Google search can provide a wealth of information about your surname. Type your surname into the search bar and see what comes up. You may find information on the surname’s origins, its meaning, and its historical context. Then you could move on to look up the surname’s etymology (which is a study of the origin and history of words). Several websites provide etymologies of surnames, including Ancestry and BehindTheName .These sites offer information on the origin of surnames, their meanings, and how they developed over time. Our own surname history scrolls can also be a good place to start, as they include all of the information collated together in one place. Plus of course, they make lovely artwork on the wall, with the associated coat of arms at the top.




Finding the meaning of your surname can be the start of a fascinating family history journey!

Finding the meaning of your surname can be the start of a fascinating family history journey!

Further research


Research your family history is a fascinating and rewarding task that can reveal interesting results. Look up your family tree and see if you can find any clues about the origin of your surname. If you have a family member who has already traced your family history, ask them for any information they have about the meaning of your surname.

You can also check out surname dictionaries. Several dictionaries of surnames exist, which can provide in-depth information on the meaning of your surname. Some examples include A Dictionary of English Surnames by P.H. Reaney and R.M. Wilson and The Dictionary of American Family Names by Patrick Hanks.



Was there a coat of arms associated with the name?


You might also wonder if your name ever had a family crest or coat of arms associated with it. We can help! Our database of more than a million names reveals if there was ever a bearer of your surname with a coat of arms. This doesn’t mean it is your specific coat of arms, but that back in the mists of time, there was someone with your surname who used that heraldry. Plus we have a dictionary of heraldry symbols so you can find out what they all mean.



Was there a coat of arms or family crest for your surname?

Was there a coat of arms or family crest for your surname?

Genealogy and DNA


It’s a good idea to consult with genealogical societies. Many genealogical societies specialise in researching family histories and may be able to provide information on the meaning of your surname. Check online for genealogical societies in your area or in the region where your surname is most prevalent. Plus, you can consider taking a DNA test. DNA testing can reveal more information about your ancestry, including the origin of your surname. Services like AncestryDNA and 23andMe can provide insights into your genetic makeup and help you trace your family history.


In conclusion, learning about the meaning of your surname can be a fascinating way to connect with your family history and uncover your ancestry. With the resources available today, there are many ways to explore the origins and meaning of your surname. To read more blog posts about tracing family history, click here to see the articles available. Please let us know how you get on! And of course, don’t forget to order your surname history scroll here if you’d like to make a quick start!



Click to order a coat of arms and surname history scroll

Click to order a coat of arms and surname history scroll.

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