Find the meaning of your surname:

Visit Hall of Names at Gloucester Quays May Market this weekend, 7th-8th May. You’ll meet our lovely retailers Frank and Hazel, who will be showcasing the Hall of Names range.


What can you see?


The range includes surname histories with the earliest coat of arms relating to a bearer of the name. Plus you can also view clan histories, and Irish histories. And there is really so much to discover about your name!  If you are looking for an ideal gift for a couple, then ask Frank and Hazel about the double coats of arms scroll. Not only does this gift feature two coats of arms side by side, but it also has your personal message below. For example, you could include a significant date such as a wedding. You’ll be able to see it all on screen before Frank or Hazel print it out for you while you wait!


What else is at the market?


You’ll discover the very finest local food, drink, art, design, vintage and modern craft carefully selected from Gloucester artisans.Also many other businesses local to the South West.These include Frank and Hazel Sweeney of Hall of Names, who look forward to meeting you.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet the producers and browse the stalls. Furthermore, you can sample and enjoy the music and performance.The Orchard Street Market brings together the finest, and often award-winning, food, drink, art and craft producers in the area. You’ll see handpicked specialists, who source, grow, rear, bake, make, and create the products they sell. In this way,  their goods are unique, original and designed to inspire.


Opening Times

Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: 10am – 5pm

The event is now held within Orchard Square, Gloucester Quays


Look forward to seeing you there!

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