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May Day Traditions around the World


May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, is celebrated on May 1st in many countries around the world. It is also associated with various cultural and traditional celebrations. It recognises and honours the contributions of workers to society and to advocate for workers’ rights.  Here are some of the top May Day traditions.


Flowers and dancing


Many of the world’s Mayday traditions include flowers and dancing and here are four examples which include these colourful celebrations.



May Day traditions often include flowers, ribbons and crowns.

May Day traditions often include flowers, ribbons and crowns.



  1. Maypole Dancing: One of the most well-known May Day traditions is dancing around the maypole. A tall pole is decorated with ribbons and flowers, and dancers weave the ribbons in intricate patterns as they dance around it.
  2. Flower Crowns: May Day is often associated with spring and the blooming of flowers. It is common to make and wear flower crowns on this day, especially in Nordic countries.
  3. Morris Dancing: Morris dancing is a traditional English folk dance that is often performed on May Day. Dancers wear bells on their ankles and carry handkerchiefs or sticks as they dance.
  4. May Queen: In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, a May Queen is chosen to represent the beauty and fertility of spring. The May Queen is often crowned with flowers and leads the May Day celebrations.




May Day traditions include morris dancing

May Day traditions include morris dancing




Fires and flower baskets


May Day traditions can also include fires and flower baskets to celebrate the advent of the warmer months:



Flowers celebrate the start of warmer weather.

Flowers celebrate the start of warmer weather.



  1. Beltane Fires: Beltane is a Gaelic festival that celebrates the start of summer. One tradition is to light fires to symbolize the sun’s warmth and power.
  2. May Baskets: In the United States, it is traditional to make May baskets filled with flowers or treats and leave them on the doorsteps of friends and neighbours.



Other popular traditions for May Day



  1. The Hobby Horse (or ‘Obby Oss as it is also known) is a May Day celebration that takes place in the Cornish town of Padstow and the Somerset town of Minehead. A costumed person dances through the streets with a hobby horse, accompanied by music and singing. Read more here.
  2. Crowning of the Statue of the Virgin Mary: In Catholic countries, such as Spain and Italy, it is traditional to crown statues of the Virgin Mary with flowers on May Day.
  3. Furry Dance: The Furry Dance is a traditional May Day celebration that takes place in the Cornish town of Helston. Dancers wearing traditional clothing dance through the streets, accompanied by music.
  4. Workers’ Protests: May Day is also a day to advocate for workers’ rights and to protest against unfair labor practices. Workers’ demonstrations and rallies take place in many countries on this day.




Maypole dancing is a well-known part of the celebrations.

Maypole dancing is a well-known part of the celebrations.




May Day traditions vary from country to country, but they all share a common theme of celebrating spring, fertility, and the contributions of workers to society. Whether you’re dancing around the maypole or advocating for workers’ rights, May Day is a day to come together and celebrate.


Read more about May Day traditions here.


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