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Do you struggle to get a gift for the person who has everything?


Do you have that person in your friend or family group who is hard to buy for? You know the one! Everything you think of, they’ve already got it! They are that ‘person who has everything’ and can be notoriously hard to buy for. But don’t panic, because we have the answer for all those people who are tricky to buy for.


Ideas for gifts for the person who has everything


Here at Hall of Names, we have been helping people with their gifts for years, and we specialise in those that are hard to buy for. In fact, it’s our mission to help you find that perfect personalised gift, that no-one else will have thought of. Each of our carefully selected gifts features the coat of arms relating to the recipient’s name. We have more than a million on our database! Furthermore, you can ‘see before you buy’ with our name search facility.


How does the name search work?


It’s really simple and all you need to do is type in the name you want in the box at the top of each page of our website. You’ll then see a brief snippet of the name’s history plus its earliest coat of arms in full colour. Occasionally, we have more than one option available. For example, we might have Irish and Scottish versions of the name. In this instance, you’ll see a little drop down arrow, allowing you to make your selection. Once you’ve chosen the coat of arms that you’d like, then comes the fun bit of choosing your gift for that person who has everything!


What are the most popular gifts with coats of arms?



Coat of Arms and Surname History with Family Crest

A Coat of Arms and Surname History with Family Crest – an ideal gift for the person who has everything!



Our most popular gift is our Coat of Arms and Surname History Scroll, which is packed with fascinating details about their name’s history. Bet they won’t have one of those! You’ll be the one who has given them a gift to treasure, a unique and personalised idea for the person who has everything. They’re sure to enjoy displaying their scroll and letting their friends know about their name’s incredible history. We have unframed available, but why not choose from one of our selection of four beautiful frames? We frame it for you, and despatch swiftly in recyclable packaging.


Crystal is a great choice for that person who has everything


A hugely popular choice at Christmas is crystal. We have sparkling ranges including whisky tumblers, wine glasses, tankards, beer glasses, paperweights and much more. Plus, many of our gifts have extra engraving available, so you can even add your own special message. What could be more unique?


Personalised crystal is the perfect choice for the person with everything.

Personalised crystal is the perfect choice for the person with everything.


Inspiration for other gifts.

Here are a just a few images of some of our lovely gifts. To find out more, just click an image or visit our shop all page for gift inspiration.







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