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Gifts for Her (Page 1 of 5)

We have a wide range of ‘gifts for her’ that are sure to impress the special lady in your life. Our products are truly unique and special and all of a quality that she will appreciate. Most gifts are personalised with the coat of arms / family crest of your choice. Read more

Your special lady will delight in the fact that you have thought ‘out of the box’ in creating something completely unique that is personal to her.

For special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, we have something to cover all occasions.  From crystal and glass gifts, to personalised histories and household gifts there really is something for everyone! All personalised with the coat of arms / family crest. Consequently, they are sure to impress your special lady.  They will also add a wow factor and talking point to any home.

The coat of arms we use for your gifts are the oldest one we can find for the surname.  We have an extensive collection of Coats of Arms and Family Crests.  We hold English Coat of Arms, Spanish Coat of Arms, French Coat of Arms, Italian Coat of Arms, German Coat of Arms, Italian Coat of Arms.  In addition we also have American, Australian and others.  You can check if we have your name and the coat of arms and family crest. Just enter the name you require in the search box at the top of the page.

Of course, if you need any help in choosing a gift for the lady in your life, feel free to give our team a call. We will be delighted to help you choose the perfect gift!

Welcome to the Hall of Names online gift shop! We have a fabulous selection of quality personalised gifts for all occasions. We are delighted to have sourced some fantastic products that feature the oldest coat of arms for your surname / family name.

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Our collection

Our collection includes prints and scrolls which are a fabulous gift idea sure to take pride of place in any home.  The Coat of Arms and Surname History features the coat of arms at the top. The history includes the surname meaning, surname etymology, earliest medieval movements.  Also included are lands owned by the various branches of the family. Furthermore, first settlers out into the new world, convicts sent to Australia and notables of the name.  As such, they are packed full of fascinating facts and are sure to be a really talking point.  Beautifully presented, they are printed on parchment paper and you also have the option of using our framing service.

Our online shop also includes the double coat of arms print, a perfect gift for a couple, and displays coats of arms for two surnames.  You can customise the message below to include Christian names and a date. This therefore makes them perfect gift ideas for weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions.  Again, you have the option of utilising our framing service.  No hassle, no fuss!

Also available in the Hall of Names online gift shop are Scottish Clan History prints and Irish Sept Histories.

In addition to our prints and scrolls we have a wide range of gift ideas in the Hall of Names shop.  All of which will definitely impress the recipient.  We select our suppliers and our products very carefully.  This enables us to offer the very best in quality heraldic gifts.  From crystal and glass, to aprons, mugs and house signs, we are sure to have something to fit all occasions and budgets.

Do feel free to give a member of our team a call and we will of course be happy to advise you. Enjoy browsing the Hall of Names Shop or find us at the following locations!

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