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Your Scottish ancestry

Your Scottish ancestry

Are you tracing your Scottish ancestry? Over the centuries, thousands of Scots emigrated to countries around the world in search of a fresh start or the chance to make their fortunes. Today people across the globe can trace their roots back to Scotland. Our friends at...
Burns night traditions

Burns night traditions

Burns night traditions, including haggis and hard drinking will be a stern test for those who have committed to ‘Dry January’. This applies especially if you are Scottish! In this article, we look at Burns night traditions, and the merriment involved in this most...
Your Guide To Scottish Surnames

Your Guide To Scottish Surnames

Scottish Surnames have a long and often troubled past. The Romans name it Caledonia, the Gaels called it Alba, but today it’s known as Scotland, a country with a rich and complex history. After surviving many invasions and battles over the centuries, it’s only apt...
Planning a Clan Gathering?

Planning a Clan Gathering?

Planning a Clan Gathering takes some organisation and is a great opportunity for you to meet other family members, share history and have a good get together. Have you ever thought about organising a Family or Clan Gathering? The task can seem a daunting one, but here...

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