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Animals In Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Three)

Animals In Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Three)

Animals In Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Three) Animals in heraldry and heraldic symbolism featuring creatures both real and mythological is commonly found in heraldry and here are just a few examples. Is there an animal feature on your coat of arms? The Ape...
Animals in Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Two)

Animals in Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Two)

Animals in Heraldry: Symbolism and Meaning (Part Two) Continuing on the theme of animals in heraldry, here are some examples of representations where we use animal symbolism to identify significant characteristics of the arms bearer.   The bat – animals in...
Animals In Heraldry

Animals In Heraldry

Animals In Heraldry Animals in heraldry have been in use symbolically for centuries. As such, each individual representation has its own specific meanings. The animal depicted often highlights the characteristics of the arms bearer in visual form. Here are some...

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